Unveiled Mysteries. Ed. 1935. By Godfre Ray King.

Unveiled Mysteries. Ed. 1935. By Godfre Ray King.

Unveiled Mysteries. Ed. 1935. By Godfre Ray King.  “Unveiled Mysteries”. By Godfre Ray King. Ed. 1935.    “The Eternal Law of Life is: ‘What you think and feel you bring into form; where your thought is there you are, for you are your consciousness; and what you...
The Magic Presence. Ed. 1935. By Godfre Ray King.

The Magic Presence. Ed. 1935. By Godfre Ray King.

The Magic Presence. Ed. 1935. By Godfre Ray King.  “The Magic Presence”. By Godfre Ray King. Ed. 1935.    «This Book contains the second group of experiences which I was privileged to have through the love and assistance of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain....