Informal Address by the Beloved Master Saint Germain

Informal Address by the Beloved Master Saint Germain. September, 1953.
«This booklet is lovingly dedicated to the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain. In His Cosmic Office as Chohan of the Seventh Ray, it is His privilege and responsibihty to bring an understanding, cooperation and loving commpanionship to the 3 Kingdoms – Angelic, Human and Elemental – that advance on the planet Earth side by side.
As the perfect man represents THE BRIDGE uniting the kingdom of the angels, the human kingdom and the elemental kingdom, and as His very physical body – with arms outstretched – forms the maltese cross of Freedom, We call that every individual who reads these words may volunteer to be such a bridge and the unity of these evolutions be manifest quickly to the mutual benefit of all»
Thomas Printz. (Ascended Master El Morya). A Bridge to Freedom Publication. 1954.