The Law of Precipitation. How to Successfully Meet Daily Needs.

The LAW of PRECIPITATION. By Werner Schroeder.
«This book provides the reader with a practical guide to master the subject of precipitation and to precipitate his daily needs, in conformance with his or her Divine plan.
The main body is based on material found in the monthly “Journal of the Bridge to Freedom.” We are also citing many actual examples of individuals successfully applying the principles of precipitation, in their daily lives. Most of these cases are the experiences of William Cassiere, who worked directly with Mr. Ballard, an authorized messenger of the Great White Brotherhood for The I AM Activity Dispensation. These manifestations took place during Mr. Cassiere’s fifty years of teaching.
Mr. Cassiere wrote: “These experiences are shared with one idea in mind, namely, to help sincere seekers after truth. They are an example of how God’s laws will work for those who apply them, even as they did for the author.”
Book by Werner Schroeder, based on Teachings by the Ascended Masters – mainly from The Bridge to Freedom Dispensation.